Berani Bercita-cita, Berani Resiko

Today I am going to share an opinion about something. Do you know what something is? hehe. Okay, you know what it's ideals. Since our children are taught by teachers and parents to think, what is my goal? from some children there who answered wanted to be a doctor, teacher, pilot, police or other professions. lhaa,, that was the goal, if I may adapt the sense of ideals, it is a goal from someone life.

Now we are wondering whether we can reach the ideals that we have made it?? from the experience of some people and myself. most someone will experience a decrease in these goals, it is because of his own consciousness of his ability. The ability that have been built with half-made the ideals that  as high as the sky to be half of it. But it can not be denied, it is not a few people who have it.

Now we make an analogy of a dream of being a travel destination person. Just imagine the goal is set, the way will be past, it can be known and the constraints are foreseeable. So instead we've been able to know how to fix this? I think it's not that easy. Goals that are too far also need high risk. I mean the risk of the consequences we have to get past the constraints and the way to more. and vice versa if the goal is not too far away, the risk can be  estimated as well. We as an reacher of goal, should know about it. Indeed most of person desperate for a common goal that is really far away, as they hoped, if not until the goal then they get half goal. and in my opinion if  you are not satisfied with the goals achieved. Why do not we just estimate of our ability. Could it be that we have to rely on just the X factor? think the answer by yourself. hehe. .

That is an overview of a goal, we can determining arbitrarily without any of those who were forbid. But remember we also have to know about our abilities, our intentions, and our spirit. it's OK rely on the X factor, but not always. because the intent, spirit, and your prayers are determining. As well god just as granting your dreams in the world.


by. AAN

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